Boek der Doden
Afkorting | Omschrijving |
AEO | Gardiner, Sir Alan. Ancient Egyptian onomastica. London, 1947. 3 v. |
ASAE | Egypt. Service des antiquites. Annales .... Le Caire, 1900. |
BD | Book of the Dead. |
BM cat | British Museum. Catalogue of Egyptian religious papyri .... Copies of the book pr(t)-m-hrw from the XVIIIth to the XXIInd dynasty .... By A. W. Shorter .... London, 1938--- |
BM, Hierogl. Texts | British Museum. Hieroglyphic texts from Egyptian stelae, &c., ... London, 1911-. |
Budge, Text | Budge, E. A. Wallis. The chapters of coming forth by day or the Theban recension of the Book of the Dead. The Egyptian hieroglyphic text edited from numerous papyri .... London, 1910. 3 v. "Books on Egypt and Chaldaea" XXVIII-XXX. |
Budge, Tr. | Budge, E. A. Wallis .... The Book of the Dead. An English translation of the chapters, hymns, etc., of the Theban recension, with introduction, notes, etc.... 2d ed. rev. and enl.; London, 1909. 3 v. "Books on Egypt and Chaldaea" VI-VIII. [Contents of subsequent "editions" or impressions are unchanged.] |
Cairo "Cat." | Cairo. Mus(e des antiquit6s 6gyptiennes. Catalogue g6neral .... Le Caire etc., 1901-. |
CT | Coffin Texts. [ECT spell numbers follow the abbreviation.] |
det. | Determinative. |
ECT | Buck, Adriaan de. The Egyptian Coffin Texts. Texts of Spells 1-1185. Chicago, 1935-61. 7 v. "OIP" XXXIV, XLIX, LXIV, LXVII, LXXIII, LXXXI, and LXXXVII. |
Hunefer etc. | British Museum. The Book of the Dead. Facsimiles of the papyri of Hunefer, Anhai, I.erasher and Netchemet with supplementary text [in hieroglyphic type] from the papyrus of Nu, with transcripts, translations, etc. by E. A. Wallis Budge .... London, 1899. |
JEA | Journal of Egyptian archaeology. London, 1914- |
JNES | Journal of Near Eastern studies. Chicago, 1942- |
L | Paris. Muse national du Louvre. [Inventory numbers follow the abbreviation.] |
Lacau, Sarc. | Sarcophages ant6rieurs au Nouvel Empire, par M. Pierre Lacau. Le Caire, 1903-6. 2 v. in 4 fasc. Cairo "Cat." XI, XIV, XXVII, and XXXIII. |
LD | Lepsius, Richard. Denkmaeler aus Aegypten und Aethiopien .... Berlin, 1849-56; Leipzig, 1897-1913. 19 v. |
Leyden, Mon. | Leyden. Rijksmuseum van oudheden. Monumens 6gyptiens du Mus6e d'antiquites des Pays-Bas a Leide ... pub.... par le Dr. Conradus Leemans ... Leiden, 1839-94? 3 parts. |
MK | Egyptian Middle Kingdom period. |
MMA | New York. Metropolitan Museum of Art. |
N. | Name of deceased (including in translation all titles and epithets except"Osiris"). |
n | Footnote. |
Nav. | Naville, Edouard. Das aegyptische Todtenbuch der XVIII. bis XX. Dynastie. Aus verschiedenen Urkunden zusainmengestelit und hg.... Berlin, 1886. 3 v. [Einleitung and I-I1.] |
OIM | Chicago. University. Oriental Institute Museum. |
"OIP" | Chicago. University. Oriental Institute. Oriental Institute publications. Chicago, 1924- |
"OIP" LXXXII | The Egyptian Book of the Dead documents in the Oriental Institute Museum at the University of Chicago, edited by Thomas George Allen. 1960. |
Pers. | Persian period. |
Piehi, Inscrs. hierogl. | Piehl, Karl Fredrik. Inscriptions hiroglyphiques recueillies en Europe et en Cgypte, publiees, traduites et commentces. Leipzig, 1886-1903. 3 se |
pl | Word written in plural. |
Pleyte | Pleyte, Willern. Chapitres suppl6mentaires du Livre des Morts 162 à 174, publics d'apres les monuments de Leide, du Louvre et du Musee Britannique .... Leide, 1881. 3 v. |
Ptol. | Ptolemaic period. |
Pyr. | Sethe, Kurt. Die altaegyptischen Pyramidentexte nach den Papierabdrucken und Photographien des Berliner Museums neu hrsg. und erhiutert .... Leipzig, 1908-22. 4 v. [Section numbers (not spell numbers) follow the abbreviation.] |
RT | Recueil de travaux relatifs A la philologie et A l'archeologie 6gyptiennes et assyriennes ... Paris, 1870-1923. |
S. | Name of son of deceased. |
"SAOC" | Chicago. University. Oriental Institute. Studies in ancient oriental civilization. Chicago, 1931 |
Sharpe, Eg. Inscrs. | Sharpe, Samuel. Egyptian inscriptions, from the British Museum and sources. [I. First series.] London, 1837-41. [II.] Second series. London, 1855. |
TB | Tomb in Biban al-Muluk at Thebes. |
TT | Private tomb at Thebes. |
W. | Name of wife of deceased. |
Wb. | Erman, Adolf . Weorterhuch der aegyptischen Sprache, ims Auftrage der deutschen Akademien hrsg. von Adolf Erman und Hermann Grapow. Leipzig, 1926-63. 7 v. |
ZAS | Zeitschrift fur agyptische Sprache und Altertum~skunde .... Leipzig, 1863-1943; Berlin, 1954 |