Boek der Doden – Bijlage 1
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Boek der Doden


Bijlage 1

Lijst met gebruikte afkortingen.

AEOGardiner, Sir Alan. Ancient Egyptian onomastica. London, 1947. 3 v.
ASAEEgypt. Service des antiquites. Annales .... Le Caire, 1900.
BDBook of the Dead.
BM catBritish Museum. Catalogue of Egyptian religious papyri .... Copies of the book pr(t)-m-hrw from the XVIIIth to the XXIInd dynasty .... By A. W. Shorter .... London, 1938---
BM, Hierogl. TextsBritish Museum. Hieroglyphic texts from Egyptian stelae, &c., ... London, 1911-.
Budge, Text Budge, E. A. Wallis. The chapters of coming forth by day or the Theban recension of the Book of the Dead. The Egyptian hieroglyphic text edited from numerous papyri .... London, 1910. 3 v. "Books on Egypt and Chaldaea" XXVIII-XXX.
Budge, Tr.Budge, E. A. Wallis .... The Book of the Dead. An English translation of the chapters, hymns, etc., of the Theban recension, with introduction, notes, etc.... 2d ed. rev. and enl.; London, 1909. 3 v. "Books on Egypt and Chaldaea" VI-VIII. [Contents of subsequent "editions" or impressions are unchanged.]
Cairo "Cat."Cairo. Mus(e des antiquit6s 6gyptiennes. Catalogue g6neral .... Le Caire etc., 1901-.
CTCoffin Texts. [ECT spell numbers follow the abbreviation.]
ECTBuck, Adriaan de. The Egyptian Coffin Texts. Texts of Spells 1-1185. Chicago, 1935-61. 7 v. "OIP" XXXIV, XLIX, LXIV, LXVII, LXXIII, LXXXI, and LXXXVII.
Hunefer etc.British Museum. The Book of the Dead. Facsimiles of the papyri of Hunefer, Anhai, I.erasher and Netchemet with supplementary text [in hieroglyphic type] from the papyrus of Nu, with transcripts, translations, etc. by E. A. Wallis Budge .... London, 1899.
JEAJournal of Egyptian archaeology. London, 1914-
JNESJournal of Near Eastern studies. Chicago, 1942-
LParis. Muse national du Louvre. [Inventory numbers follow the abbreviation.]
Lacau, Sarc.Sarcophages ant6rieurs au Nouvel Empire, par M. Pierre Lacau. Le Caire, 1903-6. 2 v. in 4 fasc. Cairo "Cat." XI, XIV, XXVII, and XXXIII.
LDLepsius, Richard. Denkmaeler aus Aegypten und Aethiopien .... Berlin, 1849-56; Leipzig, 1897-1913. 19 v.
Leyden, Mon.Leyden. Rijksmuseum van oudheden. Monumens 6gyptiens du Mus6e d'antiquites des Pays-Bas a Leide ... pub.... par le Dr. Conradus Leemans ... Leiden, 1839-94? 3 parts.
MKEgyptian Middle Kingdom period.
MMANew York. Metropolitan Museum of Art.
N.Name of deceased (including in translation all titles and epithets except"Osiris").
Nav.Naville, Edouard. Das aegyptische Todtenbuch der XVIII. bis XX. Dynastie.
Aus verschiedenen Urkunden zusainmengestelit und hg.... Berlin, 1886. 3 v. [Einleitung and I-I1.]
OIMChicago. University. Oriental Institute Museum.
"OIP"Chicago. University. Oriental Institute. Oriental Institute publications. Chicago,
"OIP" LXXXIIThe Egyptian Book of the Dead documents in the Oriental Institute Museum
at the University of Chicago, edited by Thomas George Allen. 1960.
Pers.Persian period.
Piehi, Inscrs. hierogl. Piehl, Karl Fredrik. Inscriptions hiroglyphiques recueillies en Europe et en Cgypte, publiees, traduites et commentces. Leipzig, 1886-1903. 3 se
plWord written in plural.
PleytePleyte, Willern. Chapitres suppl6mentaires du Livre des Morts 162 à 174, publics d'apres les monuments de Leide, du Louvre et du Musee Britannique .... Leide, 1881. 3 v.
Ptol.Ptolemaic period.
Pyr.Sethe, Kurt. Die altaegyptischen Pyramidentexte nach den Papierabdrucken und Photographien des Berliner Museums neu hrsg. und erhiutert .... Leipzig, 1908-22. 4 v. [Section numbers (not spell numbers) follow the abbreviation.]
RTRecueil de travaux relatifs A la philologie et A l'archeologie 6gyptiennes et assyriennes ... Paris, 1870-1923.
S.Name of son of deceased.
"SAOC"Chicago. University. Oriental Institute. Studies in ancient oriental civilization. Chicago, 1931
Sharpe, Eg. Inscrs.Sharpe, Samuel. Egyptian inscriptions, from the British Museum and sources.
[I. First series.] London, 1837-41. [II.] Second series. London, 1855.
TBTomb in Biban al-Muluk at Thebes.
TTPrivate tomb at Thebes.
W.Name of wife of deceased.
Wb.Erman, Adolf . Weorterhuch der aegyptischen Sprache, ims Auftrage der deutschen Akademien hrsg. von Adolf Erman und Hermann Grapow. Leipzig, 1926-63. 7 v.
ZASZeitschrift fur agyptische Sprache und Altertum~skunde .... Leipzig, 1863-1943; Berlin, 1954